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The Garry Trudeau news roundup

Berkeley Breathed isn’t the only reclusive cartoonist whose out and about, Doonesbury’s Garry Trudeau has been in the news lately. Firstly, he was in Minnesota on Tuesday for a private fundraiser for Senate candidate Al Franken (yes, THAT Al Fraken). According to the blog, Garry is traveling the United States campaigning on behalf of Democratic candidates.

The BBC recently interviewed him and posted the audio interview online.

A recent Sunday strip has caught the ire of conservatives who felt like he was hitting below the belt by going after the GOP’s suppressed family values with the nomination of Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice President.

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Comments 11

  1. “A recent Sunday strip has caught the ire of conservatives who felt like he was hitting below the belt by going after the GOPâ??s suppressed family values with the nomination of Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice President.”

    Yes, once again, they’re long on outrage at what he pointed out, and short on saying anything that refutes the accuracy of the satire.

  2. “Yes, once again, theyâ??re long on outrage at what he pointed out, and short on saying anything that refutes the accuracy of the satire.”

    Why should someone voicing an opinion about the satire have to come up with any more proof of it’s validity or lack thereof than the cartoonist who original asserted it? It’s opinion.

  3. Because just saying you’re “outraged” or “offended” doesn’t mean anything unless you say WHY you’re outraged and/or offended, Rich. Otherwise, all you’re doing is agreeing that what he’s pointing out is true (which it is in this case) and that you’re just made because the cartoonist shined a light on your hypocrisy.

  4. Why are you liberals so afraid of Sarah Palin? What’s not to like? She has five kids, works hard, is ambitious, beautiful, smart, and – uh, oh, here’s the problem – she’s a conservative! Even worse – she decided to go ahead and have a Down’s syndrome baby while in her forties – a profound statement of family values if there ever was one. This fact is a slap in the face to the pro-choice fanatics. If abortion rights don’t exist to abort Down’s babies, why in the world do they exist at all?

    Trudeau and the liberal chattering class snobs can’t stand it. So they resort to these silly attacks on her “family values.” C’mon, this woman represents nothing if not solid family values. Sure, she has skeletons in her closet (her daughter got pregnant… oooohhh!… her husband had a DUI 20 years ago, oooohhh!) So what? Who doesn’t have skeletons in their closet? Criticize her for her shallow foreign policy views, fine. Criticizse her for her gaffs, fine. But her family values? Trudeau’s use of these minor flaws in her past is a desperate stretch and says more about his lack of class than her family values.

  5. Okay, let’s talk logic.

    “Because just saying youâ??re â??outragedâ? or â??offendedâ? doesnâ??t mean anything unless you say WHY youâ??re outraged and/or offended”

    It may not mean anything to you, but it certainly does mean something. It means they are outraged or offended. It’s an opinion you can ask them to explain so you can understand it, but your ultimatum is invalid …

    “Otherwise, all youâ??re doing is agreeing that what heâ??s pointing out is true (which it is in this case) and that youâ??re just made because the cartoonist shined a light on your hypocrisy.”

    It is a possible outcome but not a conclusive one. Someone could easily be offended because 1) they do disagree with the premise (as Carl does) and therefore think it is wrong to say – just as easily as they could 2) agree with it and still think it’s wrong to say (e.g., because it is rude). By being offended without stating why then can only lead you to conclude that they were offended. You can’t say definitively if it is because of 1 or 2. You may have drawn a conclusion that fits the fact that you agree with the original premise, not because the proof you demand sheds any light on the motivation of the outraged person.

    So, nice try, but when dealing with statements of opinion … it’s simply that. There is no objective proof required. However, your absolute statement about what the outraged person must mean isn’t opinion, it’s simply an incorrect (or incomplete) application of logic.

  6. Well, of course it’s their opinion, Rich. The point is, what is the basis of their opinion? If someone tells you that you’ve “offended” them, don’t you want to know why?

  7. Sure, if I really want to understand and/or challenge it. That’s different that stating that since they didn’t state the reasoning it automatically means they agree with the premise.

    I thought of several more reasons why they could have been outraged that don’t reflect on the premise one way or the other … but it’s simply because I had way too much caffeine yesterday. Best left to the who cares anyway file !


  8. Palin is too easy a target. She practically writes the jokes herself. It also strikes me that the conservative right wing folks wear their heart on their sleeves, they are so easily offended. Why so shrill?

  9. Beth, I think your observation applies equally to both sides. I would suggest that Biden practically writes the jokes himself, perhaps more so than Palin. The real problem seems to be getting any of the candidates to talk substantively about any of the issues.

  10. Rich, yes lack of discussion about issues is frustrating to voters on both sides. It’s been a loooooong year and while I enjoy an election year as much as the next cartoonist, I can’t wait till this one is in the bag.

  11. Well, I am for both Gov Palin and Garry Trudeau. Gov Palin is good and everyone knows it, she gets it done. Garry Trudeau is good for the same reason, because he gets it done. With an Obama Presidency there will be few that can make fun of Obama, Garry Trudeau will find a way to keep going and still be relevant when all others fade away. He will not be funny, but he will survive, I am not really sure he ever was funny?. The point that you all are missing is Cartoon characters are suppose to be offensive, and not only can they say whatever they want but even when faced with a full shotgun blast to the face they dont die EVER. So to make Sarah Palin a comical character, a cartoon, is to give her Eternal life. So watch out what you do with your cartooning skills, you may live to regret it. Gov Palin most definitely will be back in 2012, only not as a VP candidate. Thanks Garry for helping to put the First Lady, President Palin, into the White House in 2013. Go women cartoonists!!!!!!!!!

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