VP candidate comments on Cagle cartoon
Skip to commentsTom Toles is not the only editorial cartoonist that is being watched by the Obama/Biden campaign. A CBS News blog reports that a Daryl Cagle cartoon was mentioned by Democratic VP nominee Joe Biden at an Ohio University rally yesterday. Biden remarked, “There’s a cartoon, I don’t know if you guys saw this, it’s John McCain and Sarah Palin standing on the corner of a building that has on the bottom corner written ‘BANK.’ And it has a group of people, businessmen dressed in suits standing on the ledge, some of them jumping off into the street. And it has Sarah Palin saying to John McCain, ‘You know, Barack Obama pals around with terrorists, you know?’ I think it best captures anything I have seen.”
Earlier this summer Barack Obama referenced a Tom Toles cartoon regarding the similarities between the a future McCain administration and the current Bush administration.
I’ve heard cartoonists joke that they often vote for the candidate who would provide the most fodder or easiest to caricature. Perhaps this round it will be based on the party that appears to appreciate the power of the editorial cartoon.
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