web comics

Launching: The Webcomic Weekly News Roundup

Starting this Wednesday, I’ll be starting what I hope to be a weekly feature called the Webcomic Weekly News Roundup where I post that goings on of new comics, books, and news in general about the webcomic industry. If you’ve got a news tip for your own comic or something that has been blogged about, email me at editor@dailycartoonist.com or send me a tweet at @dailycartoonist.

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McDonnell to push Prop 2 in this week’s Mutts
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Editorial cartoonist ranks drop by 29 in 3 years

Comments 14

  1. This is great news, Alan. And the timing couldn’t be better, as I’m working on getting back to my Jazz Age webcomic over at Graphic Smash. When it’s up and running again, I’ll be sure and give you a holler. Thanks!


  2. You love us. You reeeeally love us! 🙂

  3. One caution about the naming of this feature:

    There is a popular podcast called “Webcomics Weekly,” which features Scott Kurtz, David Kellett, Brad Guigar, and Kristofer Straub.

    You might consider renaming your feature to avoid confusion. I suggest “Weekly Webcomics News Roundup.”

  4. Howard. I suggest you read my headline and post more closely. There should be no confusion – unless you were just trying to find a clever way to plug your friend’s podcast.

  5. Thanks for doing this Alan, I’ll be interested to see your take on the scene. Most of the news we get is from “inside” as it were with inside opinions. Looking forward to it.

  6. Not a big deal or anything, but I do think there’ll be a little confusion with the name as-is, especially since it seems to make a little more sense as “The Weekly Webcomic News Roundup” anyway.

  7. Apologies to Howard. It was I who didn’t read carefully enough. I missed word swap between “Webcomics Weekly” and “Weekly Webcomics” in your suggestion. Sorry if I offended you in my reply.

  8. No problem, Alan. Rest assured, I wasn’t trying to plug the WW podcast.

    As both a listener to the WW podcast AND a follower of this site, I had a genuine moment of confusion when I first read your headline. It was one of those “cognitive dissonance” things, where my brain tried to envision you partnering with Halfpixel on a news feed, cramped, and then rebooted.

    I’m not sure how many actual human beings will have this problem, but I know that Webcomics Weekly is listened to by lots of webcartoonists who would also benefit from following The Daily Cartoonist. No matter where this industry takes us in the next decade, we can only benefit from sharing information.

  9. This is great news — also, very glad to learn of the Webcomics Weekly podcast.

  10. This is great news — also, very glad to learn of the Webcomics Weekly podcast.

  11. Great news indeed, especially since I humbly draw a webcomic.

  12. You really spoil us, Alan. Looking forward to it. Thanks.

  13. Great feature. The web scene is the only positive thing in comics now. All the job loss postings are depressing. The Webcomic news is almost always good stuff.

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