Daily Cartoonist

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This week The Daily Cartoonist turns three years old (insert joke here about the terrible twos). If you’re new to this community or you’ve been a frequent visitor for a while, you know this blog has grown and matured into a respectable news source.

I dare not even begin to calculate the hours I’ve invested into this blog. It is a labor of love, but a labor none the less. This year, I am initiating what I hope to be a not-to-frequent request for donations to help support this blog. Money raised will go toward upgrading hosting services, and most importantly maintaining and expanding the news coverage.

If you’ve found value in the work that I provide, I hope you’ll take a moment and make a pledge of support.

Thank you all for your continued support!

Clicking on any of the buttons above will take you to PayPal where you will finish the transaction. You do not need a PayPal account to donate.

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Mike Peters to reduce number of editorial cartoons
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The Daily Cartoonist turns three

Comments 1

  1. I’ll make a donation if you post my cartoonist callout for the 6th Annual The Cartoon Days of Christmas (TCDC). Oh wait, this means you just did – DOH. Okay, I’m donating.

    Seriously, your forum is a great service. Thanks. Here’s to three more years!

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