Comic changes for the week
Skip to commentsHere is the latest changes:
The Post Independent (CO) are slashing their comics. They didn’t mention which ones but did mention specifically that this Sunday comics the features dropped from 13 to six. They cite cost cutting as a necessity.
The Appeal Democrat (CA) is polling their readers. They’ll be replacing For Better or For Worse with one of the following: Drabble, Frazz, Home and Away, Between Friends, Pickles, Luann, Rose is Rose, Lola, The Pajamas Diaries, and One Big Happy.
The Albuquerque Journal (NM) continues with their “shoot out.” Hi and Lois beat out Marvin 1,974 to 1,084. The next shoot out is between F-Minus and Sherman’s Lagoon.
The Progress (PA) has replaced For Better or For Worse with picked up Tundra.
A Rocky Mountain News reader wrote and tells me they have dropped Garfield and Hagar the Horrible in exchange for The Knight Life and Deflocked.
UPDATE: Matt Janz of Out of the Gene Pool/Single and Looking fame, writes in to say that the new Chicago Tribune redesign resulted in the comic being shrunk down in size and they dropped “Ink Pen,” “Free Range” and “Non Sequitur.” They picked up two: “The Argyle Sweater” and “Scary Gary.”
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