Rob Cabrera starts “Super Tuesday” comic
Skip to commentsRob Cabrera, creator of Silo Roberts that was syndicated by United Media for two years before he ended the strip to focus on his graduate studies, has started a new comic strip inspired by this year’s presidential campaign. The new strip entitled Super Tuesday runs on his blog “Super Tuesday- the Comic Strip.”
He tell me:
When I ended “Silo Roberts” to enter graduate school for 3D animation some time ago, I honestly thought I was done with comic strips. However, recent headlines have made it impossible for me to stay on the sidelines … especially since the coverage got so hilarious.
I’ve started a blog for my new comic strip called “Super Tuesday” that deals directly with the current political events. While I can’t promise daily installments of “Super Tuesday” due to school obligations, I will say that I intend to respond to major events on the campaign trail as they happen.
I hope sticks around past the election.
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