Daily Cartoonist

Celebrating 12 year anniversary. No posts today

Taking the day off to spend with my gorgeous wife, Brenda, to whom I’ve been married 12 years as of today. See you back here tomorrow!

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Crock co-creator Don Wilder passes away at age 74

Comments 14

  1. Twelve years! Well, Alan – allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations and I wish you many happy returns of the day! Best to you and Brenda.

  2. I can’t think of any better way to spend a day off than to spend it with your gorgeous wife………uh, I mean YOU spending it with your gorgeous wife!

    Congratulations, Alan and Brenda! Cheers!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Alan & Brenda!!!

  4. Let me chime in and say Happy Anniversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary, Alan! All the best to you and Brenda!

  6. Congratulations! Best wishes for many more!

  7. What a wimp! You gonna take off a week at your 25th?
    All kidding aside, Happy Anniversary, buddy.

  8. Congratulations Alan & Brenda … Happy spending!

  9. You’re MARRIED? Well, that’s something.

    Congrats. 12 years is “blood”, I think.

  10. Alan-
    Please pass along my deepest sympathies to your wife for having the tragic misfortune of being married to a cartoonist.

    It seems our wives eventually become known as, “that poor woman”, so maybe it will help her to know she’s not alone.

  11. Although I didn’t quite have the time to read this post carefully, Alan, I just wanted to wish you and Tina a very happy 47th anniversary!

    Seriously, happy anniversary!

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