Comic strips

More comic page changes

The Berkshire Eagle has replaced Pearls Before Swine with For Better or For Worse. Money quote from Stephan Pastis to the readers: “I like Lynn Johnston, she’s a great cartoonist. Don’t take your anger out on me. Don’t make me go back to the law.”

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran a two-day poll and had 11,000 respondents. Features named as most popular include: “Pickles,” “Zits,” “Crankshaft” and “Family Circus” and least popular “The Flying McCoys” and “Non Sequitur” which were dropped. Also out includes For Better or For Worse, and the Sunday version of Doonesbury. In its place, they’ll run Daddy’s Home which their staff designer Gary Markstein co-created. I’m not sure what else was added, by reading this, it appears they dropped three, and added only one. Can anyone email me if any new features were added?

Between Friends creator Sandra Bell-Lundy blogs that her feature is in trial mode with the San Antonio Express-News. She’ll run for four weeks followed by Frazz, Rhymes with Orange, Pajama Diaries and Rudy Park.

From last week, The Capital announced it was dropping For Better or For Worse citing an aversion to paying “full price for the comic-page equivalent of reruns.” No announcement was made on its replacement.

Correction: Pearls Before Swine REPLACED FBOFW in the The Berkshire Eagle. See article. Thank you Stephan for catching this.

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Comments 11

  1. 11,000 responses in 2 days? Poll manipulation anyone?

  2. Typical overraction by a very poor editor. Pearls Before Swine’s core audience isn’t made up of FBOFW readers. What do they think would happen in Berkshire? Do they think in Berkshire at all? Pathetic.

    I guess the word “editor” doesn’t mean anything anymore. I guess it means “I take no responsibility” now. Maybe the Eagle will get a discount on the FBOFW “new reruns”?

    The cheating on online polls is getting out of hand. It’s a poor reflection on the industry as a whole.

  3. Oops. I did. Correction made.

  4. I thought it was a more interesting story the other way around.

  5. I originally read this in my RSS reader, which is still sans a correction until it refreshes, so I didn’t see the correction until I clicked through. But, yeah, I THOUGHT that seemed a little backwards: replacing one of the best comics in syndication with a rerun strip? That’d be crazy!

    If it were true, maybe it would’ve been payback for all of Pastis’ legacy strip jokes. lol

  6. Well, I see that comic poll software Stephan invested in has paid off!

  7. I was referring to the Milwaukee item – not the Berkshire one. It looks as though Pearls got its spot without having to be subjected to the dreaded poll routine. Congrats to Stephan!

    (I bet he has that software though) LOL

  8. Glad Pearls got the nod in the Eagle. Congrats Mr. Pastis!

  9. I’m definitely in good company with that lineup in San Antonio. So, where can I get that software…:)

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