Cartoonists covering the RNC part 1, 2, 3
Skip to commentsAfter the Larry Craig fiasco, why the Republicans would want to hold their convention in Minnesota is beyond me. But they are and so some cartoonists are on the ground.
» Rob Rogers is in the Twin Cities covering the storm that has the Republican National Convention a buzz – John McCain’s VP pick. He also jokes about the Craig-airport experience. He also meets up with protesters, finally. And he visits a Charles Schulz historical site.
» Dan Wasserman shows his preliminary sketches of VP wanna-be Sarah Palin.
» Rob Tornoe continues to blog the convention daily. He’s also wrote a piece on how Jimmy Margulies, Drew Sheneman, both cartoonists for New Jersey papers are covering the convention from home – which seems the norm this year.
» KAL is on the ground in the St Paul, Minnesota where he not only is coving the convention, but also the last day of the State Fair. Check his site for the latest sketches that he’s posting daily.
» Walt Handelsman is posting his sketches of the event.
» Steve Bell from the Guardian in the UK is also posting sketches.
» JD Crowe is posting his sketches and observations such as, “Here in Minneapolis/St. Paul, walking among the GOP delegates…you hear things, you see things, you draw things…(faces have been altered to protect sensitive identities.)” Indeed.
» Michael Ramirez is reportedly in Minnesota. His cartoons are finished work as usual.
» Scott Bateman is doing animated cartoons of the people he’s interviewing at the convo for
UPDATE: Marshall Ramsey mostly live-blogged the speeches Wednesday night.
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