Comic strips New Launches

Creators to launch “The Barn” in October

Creators Syndicate will launch a new comic strip on October 27 entitled The Barn by Ralph Hagen. Ralph has been drawing professionally for over 30 years. He was the editorial cartoonist for two papers in Stony Plain, Alberta for 16 years and has been featured in The Saturday Evening Post, Reader’s Digest and has done artwork for major commercial corporations such as Kraft Foods. He currently resides just outside Edmonton, Alberta.

You can see samples of The Barn over on Creators web site.

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Comments 5

  1. Looks interesting. The misanthropic cow I like. Couple of flatulence jokes scattered throughout. (I didn’t know cows had fingers).

  2. Nice to see that Ralph Hagen found a new syndication home just months after DBR Media shut down early this year. He did a strip “Marvin the Calf” for them.

  3. look really good. Well done Ralph, hope it goes well.

  4. Mr. Ralph Hagen,

    Just wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoy “The BARN”. I emailed the Anchorage Daily News for them to please keep it running – they were asking for feedback. I really miss comics like “The Far Side” & “Calvin & Hobbes” & I feel this will be in the same league someday. The strip about the vet clinic with “Yes, we got the test results back & your dog is ____ ugly.” was hilarious! Also love the lamb…the “Baaaaaa”, the German “Baaaaa”…my daughter & I used to say ‘bye’ like that on instant message. I just shared this with her so you will be having another fan, soon! Thanks for giving us “The BARN”! Melinda

  5. There’s a certain cuteness to the characters and the relationships between them could be promising, but, with all due respect for everyone’s opinion, the creator doesn’t seem to be able to to take the strip beyond the “gag a day” aproach, nor is he able to create a cast that anyone would care about. Let the butcher win.

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