How-to seminar on (self) syndication proposed
Skip to commentsBill Kellogg, the Marketing Director behind the self-syndication success of Chad Carpenter’s Tundra emailed me asking if I’d spread the word about a proposed seminar on how to self-syndicate your comics and/or submit them to syndicates. He has been approached so many times by cartoonists wanting to know how he took Tundra to 200+ papers in two years, that he’s willing to run a class to discuss his marketing efforts. The two day seminar would include Chad, other speakers, guests, participants, coaches including one syndicate editor who is tentatively planning to attend to review comics. Bill will also bring in other professional cartoonists that can offer a wealth of information on the industry and the syndication process.
From his email he writes:
I don’t want anyone thinking this is a guarantee to anything. This is the first time either of us has done something like this but it should be very informative and hopefully a lot of fun. This will be a chance to meet face to face with other cartoonists & a syndicate big-wig and discuss ideas as well as show off your work and learn from each other. We will show what we have done to get Tundra into 200+ newspapers in two years (these include the Los Angeles Times, the Denver Post, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the St. Petersburg Times and the Vancouver Sun in case anyone is interested) as well as give folks the chance to hear how syndicated cartoonists got their strip syndicated. Everyone will have the chance to have their work reviewed by the syndication boss as well and we plan to have someone talk about how to be successful as a web comic. We will also talk about books, calendars and licensing, etc. We are open to other suggestions too.
The seminar would be held in Las Vegas with a preliminary pricing estimated to be about $500 which includes lunches. You’re responsible for other meals and booking your hotel room. The price is mainly to cover expenses of the hotel, lunches and travel accommodations for the speakers. The proposed dates are the last week of February 2009 (20th-27th). Based on the number interested, a second seminar may be added for the following two days. Cartoonists wanting to attend all four days would only have to pay for the food and the additional room dates.
If you are interested – email Bill at bill[at]tundracomics[dot]com (remove the [at] and [dot] and replace with real characters) and let him know if you’d be interested in a weekend or a weekday session.
If you have general questions, please post them in the comments so that they can be answered once.
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