Alley Oop celebrates 75 years
Skip to commentsToday marks the 75 anniversary for Alley Oop. The feature was originally created by Vincent T. Hamlin’s who worked the strip until he retired in 1973. His assistant Dave Graue took over the strip until 1990 when it was passed to Jack Bender who now works on the strip with his wife Carole. It is reported that at its height, it was carried in 800 newspapers and still maintains a healthy 600 papers. E&P has an article outlining the various events happening around the country celebrating this anniversary including a drawing contest for kids, a documentary showing at the Iowa Historical Museum, costume contests and exhibits.
Other comic features today are including the milestone in their comic. You can go see Frank & Ernest’s tribute, The Born Loser, Moderately Confused and B.C.
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