Editorial cartooning

Charlie Daniel celebrates 50 years in cartooning

Charlie Daniel, cartoonist for the Knoxville News Sentinel is celebrating 50 years of editorial cartooning. He was the editorial cartoonist for the Knoxville Journal until it closed in 1992 and then began working for the News Sentinel. He has produced an estimated 15,000 cartoons and four books. As part of the celebration, the newspaper is sponsoring a variety of activities. This Sunday’s edition will profile his life and the Perspective pages will showcase a selection of his classic and well known cartoons. Some of his cartoons will also be displayed in the paper’s lobby through September.

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Comments 4

  1. When I was the University of Tennessee’s student newspaper’s editorial cartoonist, I went up to Charlie’s office to meet him. I had an assignment for a speech class and I had to interview him. Long story short, but he allowed me to fill in for him when he went on vacation, told me about the AAEC and has, for the last 20 years, given me a great role model of how to give back to a community you draw in. He’s a good cartoonist, but he’s a better man. Fifty years. Amazing.

  2. Charlie’s good people.

    Hard to believe he started cartooning in K-ville the year I was born … and I’m OLD, man.

    Happy anniversary!


  4. I have never met Mr. Daniel, but I have always loved his insight to life and his ability to create a cartoon to reflect that insight. I know envy is a sin, but I wish I could have had at least half of his talent!

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