AAEC Awards Editorial cartooning

Clay Bennett receives Ink Bottle Award

Clay Bennett added the Ink Bottle Award to his 2008 honors at the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists convention on Saturday.

AAEC President Nick Anderson of the Houston Chronicle and WPWG said a major reason for the Ink Bottle honor was Bennett’s work as AAEC president in 2005-6. During that “tumultuous and eventful” time, recalled Anderson, Bennett worked on such things as finding a new management company for the AAEC, upgrading the organization’s Web site, diversifying the AAEC’s membership by attracting more alternative cartoonists, and responding to the eliminations of high-profile cartoonist positions at the Los Angeles Times and The Sun of Baltimore.

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Comments 4

  1. Richly deserved, congrats again, Clay.

  2. Political cartooning has no better friend, practitioner or ambassador than Clay.

  3. Hey John, that’s a good line. I wish I could have used that in my speech!

  4. I knew very little about CB’s tenuous position during the Christian Science Mon. reporter situation. Nick did a great job of explaining what had to have been a gut wrenching experience coupled w/ riding herd over the AAEC. I’m rarely if ever serious but this is one time when you tip your hat.

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