Happy 70th Birthday, Mom!
Skip to commentsRarely do I diverge from the hard news of the cartoon industry, but I’d like to take a personal moment to wish my Mom a happy birthday today. I think turning 70 is a milestone that should be celebrated, but she doesn’t seem to think so. She’s a bit self-conscience about things like that.
Because this is a cartooning blog, let me share a cartoon related example of how great my mother is. At the suggestion of a retired magazine cartoonist that I met in the late 80’s, I started to ink my cartoons with a brush – which of course required a bottle of ink. To this day, there are faded ink stains in the carpet of my old bedroom floor from knocking the bottle off the desk. I remember, after the first spill, feeling petrified of how my mother would react when she found out. As best as I could, I blotted out as much ink as possible, but it was impossible to clean up. It was one of those afternoons where I died a thousand deaths waiting for her to come home from work. When I showed it to her, she merely shrugged her shoulders and said that things like that happen and left it at that. I was shocked, but very grateful that she didn’t ban the bottle of ink. I think she knew how important it was to me to learn the art of cartooning.
So, Mom, I love you very much. Happy Birthday. Thank you for always being supportive of everything I do and please don’t be too embarrassed that thousands of people now know how old you are. 🙂
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