Jackson Kilgore 1936-2008
Skip to commentsI would like to take a moment to thank all those who posted their condolences and sympathies on the blog or took the time to e-mail me. My wife and I were genuinely touched by the outreach of so many people whom we’ve never met, yet somehow I can call friends.
Yesterday, my mother-in-law laid to rest her second husband in 10 years. Not long after her first husband died, she was blessed to meet a wonderful guy named Jack, also a widower. They were an example of complete devotion and selfless love for one another. I never heard them argue or say anything mean about each other one time. They adapted the best they could to each other and overlook anything that couldn’t be changed.
Despite knowing that Jack’s health was declining, news last week that he was dying was sobering. He was a rock-steady guy. He never got overly-excited over life’s ups and downs. He smiled a lot when things were great, frowned when they weren’t but that was the extent of it. When he shared with me his diagnoses last year, he said (I’m paraphrasing), “Yup, this is what’s going to get me in the end. That’s okay. I’ve lived a good life.” And that was it. In the nine months or so since that day, I never heard him once complain, express anger or show fear over his failing health or his impending death. He was at complete peace with his life.
I knew Jack only briefly, but he left a large impression on me.
Again, thank you all for your support.
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