Comic strips Interviews Speaking Engagements

News Briefs for February 29, 2008

» Alison Bechdel, creator of Dykes to Watch Out For and the award winning Fun Home, will be speaking to Dickinson College this coming Tuesday about her work and comics in general.

» Yesterday’s Blondie had an easter egg in it. In one of the panes, Frank Cummings – one of the Blondie artists, inserted the logo of his high school in honor of their 30th year reunion.

» The Charleston Gazette interviews Detroit News editorial cartoonist Henry Payne who grew up anticipating taking over the family engineering company. But as we now know, he didn’t.

» Henri Arnold, who has been drawing the Jumble Puzzle for the last 38 years, is retiring. It’s appropriate, I guess, that we all wish him “odog kulc.”

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Westergaard wants to auction off Muhammad cartoon; nobody wants to do it
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Rod Whigham takes over illustration of Gil Thorp comic

Comments 3

  1. S’weird, but I actually paused over the Thursday Blondie strip. I put it down to the unusual single-panel format, but maybe I was subconsciously noting my high school’s logo on the baseball cap.

    Glad to see Frank’s got it going on. I remember him as a preternaturally talented caricaturist during his sophomore year (I was a senior then).

  2. I”n one of the pains?” That’s funny – at first I thought you were making a pun, but I’m guessing you meant “panes,” right?

  3. No, “panes.” Corrected.

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