Herblock Prize goes to John Sherffius (UPDATED…again)
Skip to commentsThis year’s Herblock Prize has been awarded to John Sherffius of the Camera of Boulder, Colorado.
From the judges:
“John’s work exemplifies the best the art of editorial cartooning has to offer. Through a potent combination of excellent drawing technique, striking original imagery, and passionate conviction, his cartoons kick you in the gut. They are not merely memorable; they are unforgettable,” said Jim Morin of the Miami Herald who was a judge in this year’s contest.
Harry Katz, Foundation curator and a judge in this year’s contest, said “John Sherffius’ cartoons reveal a Herblockian sense of outrage and independence. He draws beautifully, skillfully enhancing hand-drawn renderings with digital coloring and effects. His cartoons communicate clearly with power and conviction.”
Christopher Lamb, the third judge in this year’s contest and author of “Drawn to Extremes, The Use and Abuse of Editorial Cartoons, “called Sherffius’ cartoons “succinct, powerful, honest and memorable. He draws our leaders not as they want to be seen, but as they are.” He said Sherffius’ cartoons “live up to the best ideals of his profession.”
John will be awarded the prize at a March 18 ceremony in D.C. John takes home a $10 grand tax-free award. Nice.
UPDATED: Dave Astor talks to John regarding the win.
UPDATE #2: You can now see John’s award winning portfolio online.
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