Comic strips Contests

My Cage announces two new contests

Ed Power and Melissa Dejesus, the creators of My Cage have announced two contests
for their fans. The first is a writing contest (500 words or less on “Why I like My Cage”), and the second is a fan-art contest. Contest ends February 10 and the winner will be appear in a future My Cage installment drawn as an animal of the winner’s choice.

See the My Cage My Space page for rules and details.

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Comments 5

  1. Really? Awesome!!! I love ‘My Cage’!!!!!!!

  2. What????
    Have they lost their minds over at King Featur…

    Wait. I mean…AWESOME! This is the best news in all the history of the universe!!!

  3. Ed, please use your first and last name – even when you try to comment as a different person. Rules are rules. 🙂

  4. I have no idea what you’re talking about. 😉

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