Editorial cartooning Newspaper industry

Sun-Times announces lay-offs; Higgins’ position is safe

Sun-Times Media Group announced that it is considering laying off as many as 35 of their newsroom staffers within the next month. I contacted Jack Higgins, the paper’s editorial cartoonist, who told me that he has been assured that his position is safe. He also noted that he does almost exclusively local cartoons.

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Comments 1

  1. alan, did jack discuss with you whether doing only local cartoons is a concession to keep his position? up until late august he was doing his share of national cartoons. then he disappeared from slate and ucom’s editorial cartoon pages and now seems to be only found on the sun-times site.

    i really enjoy his work. his local cartoons are great as well but of course not knowing all the players, some of the layers of the humor and meaning are missing for me sometimes.

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