Beloit Daily News drops Non Sequitur over KKK strip
Skip to commentsThe Wisconsin based Beloit Daily News pulled a recent Non Sequitur cartoon that featured a hen with a KKK hood, who according to the punch-line “only lays white eggs.” The paper pulled the feature from the November 24th paper decided to make the drop permanent.
The editor goes on to quote many responses to the feature’s disappearance – many of which were in support of Wiley Miller’s feature.
From Cathy and Lynn Oswald, identified in an e-mail only as longtime subscribers: “Can’t tell you how sorry and disappointed my husband and I were to see this cartoon suspended from your paper … We think it deserves another chance to run after sitting in the corner for a few days … It is one of the more thought provoking and clever cartoons we have seen in a long time.”
From Gary Davis, Beloit: “I find both the readers’ and the Beloit Daily News’ reaction a bit overboard … Maybe offended readers would be well served by growing a thicker skin … Likewise there seems to be a bit of ‘knee jerk’ reaction by BDN … You on occasion print an editorial that provokes reactions by readers; following your actions in this case will you quit printing editorials because a reader may be offended by BDN views?”
He ends this article with these choice words:
AND SO IT GOES. We’re no closer today to knowing what we will do, long-term, with Non Sequitur than we were last week. For the time being, the strip will stay in the woodshed, where the spanking continues.
We have been publishing a selection of other cartoon strips available to us. To me, some seem fairly entertaining, others dull as dishwater.
Meanwhile, we’re listening. Readers may chime in by writing a letter addressed to me, at the Beloit Daily News, 149 State St., Beloit, WI 53511. Or, if you prefer e-mail, use to reach me.
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