Cartoonist meet up in D.C. (UPDATED)
Skip to commentsThe highly esteemed and acclaimed Cul de Sac creator Richard Thompson (see photo to right) was kind enough to round up cartoonists in the D.C. area for a get-together Tuesday night. Should be an enjoyable evening of shop talk.
And yes, Richard, I’ll be happy to tell you of my exploits whilst enlisted in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy if you’ll tell me one thing – while you were up there playing with Bob Dylan, did you really tell him to stop mumbling?
UPDATE: Had a wonderful meal with Richard (the REAL Richard), Matt Wuerker, the editorial cartoonist for Politico, Nick Galifianakis, an illustrator/cartoonist whose work regularly appears in the Washington Post and Mike Rhode who maintains the comicsdc blog. We met up at the Off the Record bar a stone’s throw from the White House (not that I suggest you go throwing stones – the security in this town is unbelievable!). The bar has original caricatures of politicians throughout the room. Most were drawn by “Vallot” (didn’t recognize the name) and there was a wall dedicated to work that Richard had drawn. I took pictures of the group and some of the caricatures. I’ll post them when I get back home.
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