Comic strips Speaking Engagements

Catch Chad Carpenter at Sears

Chad Carpenter, of self-syndicated, Tundra, is spending another holiday in the “Tundra Store” in the Sears Mall in Anchorage Alaska. As he reports:

Every year between Thanksgiving & Christmas I have a “Tundra Store” in the Sears Mall in Anchorage. I spend my days schlepping my books, calendars, t-shirts, etc. to the unsuspecting public. Not only does it help me avoid a real job but it also gives me great feedback on which of my cartoons are folks’ favorites (or unfavorites) as well as the “attaboys” this fragile cartoonist ego craves.

If you’re in the area, stop by and visit.

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Comments 3

  1. That sounds like a pretty sweet gig, Chad. Good luck!

  2. Hope it goes well. I really like your comics!

  3. Thank you Lucas – Thank you Rick!

    Happy Holidays to all the readers of The Daily Cartoonist!

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