Modesto Bee shrinks their Sunday Comics
Skip to commentsThe Modesto Bee has shrunk their Sunday comic pages. The paper used to run 29 features over six pages, but has reduced the comic section to 29 features on four pages. The editor cites cost cutting as the primary reason. He offers that a third party company that prints the comics has a new process that will allow for sharper reproductions and that wordier features will be printed bigger (sorry Lio – you win that postage size space in the corner!). Many readers are not happy.
One reader wrote:
“I must take issue with your paper’s decision to cram as many comics as you can on one folded page. With a plethora of advertisements totaling close to five pounds each Sunday, I guess you had to cut back one page somewhere. I am sending in this letter in small font to illustrate your decision. … Who was responsible for the reduced size comics? One thing I can tell you, they are not middle aged, elderly or have a vision impairment. Your comics page may be in violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act.”
The editor says more changes to their comics will be announced on Monday.
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