Comic strips New Launches

Creators to launch Canadian feature “Chuckle Bros”

Creators syndicate will launch a Canadian feature entitled Chuckle Bros on Monday. The comic is by Brian and Ron Boychuk and drawn by Ronnie Martin. It was picked up last year by Torstar Syndication Services and launched with seven papers according to this article in the Calgary Herald. Over the course of a year, it has grown to 35 newspapers in Canada and hopes to pickup more American papers through Creator Syndicate.

Here’s the feature’s description from the Torstar web site:

Humour can be found in just about every nook and cranny out there – down dark alleys, deep in space, far out to sea and hidden under grates. These are just a few of the myriad settings, which serve as a backdrop for the zany world of Chuckle Bros.

Through countless periods of history from early civilization to our daily lives in the 21st century and right through to the future, the crazy world of Chuckle Bros is actually the same crazy world we all inhabit – they just have a funnier way of looking at things.

Add the ignoble guy: the fellow who finds himself in every embarrassing and awkward situation imaginable, and youâ??ve got someone everybody knows. And the best thing about him is that he is everybody and nobody at the same time – a pirate, a bartender, a knight, a teacher – so he can go anywhere, any time and do anything all in the name of a good chuckle.

In a world thatâ??s often all too serious, we welcome you to see it through the eyes of Chuckle Bros, a laugh-a-day every day.

Creators hasn’t posted any samples, but you can see a few sample strips of Chuckle Bros on the Torstar syndicate’s web site.

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