Brian Walker, Stephan Pastis to co-curate exhibits for Schulz museum
Skip to commentsThe Charles M. Schulz Musuem has several interesting exhibits planned this year. Starting January 16th the museum will have feature an exhibit called “Beyond Words” that will display 75 Peanut originals that told stories without using words. Exhibit runs through May 12th.
Beginning in February, another exhibit co-curated by Brian Walker (who also co-curated the recent “Masters of American Comics” and works on the Beetle Bailey strip) will delve into non-verbal cartooning – how cartoons use visual iconography (stars in eyes, etc.). The exhibit will include cartoons from Peanuts, Beetle Bailey, Pogo, Mutts, and Pearls Before Swine. This exhibit begins February 2nd and runs through August 11th.
In March, you can check out an exhibit that explores the things never seen in Peanuts: parents, the Red Baron, teachers, etc and how (and why) Sparky kept them out and how he kept the story going without having to see these characters. Exhibit begins in March and runs through July.
In May, Stephan Pastis, creator of Pearls Before Swine co-curates an exhibit that explores Sparky’s use of baseball as an allegory of other things. Exhibit runs May 14 through November 3rd.
And lastly, beginning August 16th through January 26th, 2009 check out an exhibit of Beethoven themed strips.
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