Single and Looking now in Winston-Salem Journal

Matt Janz’ Single and Looking is in trial mode over at the Winston-Salem Journal. The announcement comes with an article explaining Matt’s recent decision to change the title of his feature, which used be called “Out of the Gene Pool.”

One thought on “Single and Looking now in Winston-Salem Journal

  1. I do miss Andy, Miller, and especially Rufus, but “Gene Pool”/”Single and Looking” are otherwise pretty similar thus far. It was very gratifying to see Madame Red pop up a few times recently, because despite the fact that the strip is very funny otherwise, Madame Red’s appearances are always the most entertaining and fun part of Janz’s work.

    “Single and Looking,” of course, is a much less clunky title than “Out of the Gene Pool,” so hopefully marketing it has become easier for the syndicate. Janz certainly deserves to be in more papers…”Single and Looking” always feels fresh and fun to read!

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