Randy Glasbergen to Launch 3rd Comic Feature
Skip to commentsFor those counting, Randy Glasbergen is set to launch his third concurrent syndicated comic feature Thin Lines through Creator’s Syndicate on November 12th. Already, Randy produces 11 cartoons a week for his The Better Half feature distributed through King Features and four a week panel (Cartoons by Randy Glasbergen) through through DRB Media. Thin Lines will be a weekly panel featuring “diet, exercise, and fitness cartoons for newspapers.”
He writes:
Everyone I know is on a diet or cheating on a diet, struggling to find time to exercise or suffering from the aches and pains of their last workout, this is the sort of thing I focus on in “Thin Lines”. Diet, exercise and food are always at the top of the best-seller lists and on the cover blurbs of countless magazines, so this seems like a universal theme that just about everyone can relate to. These topics have formed the basis of some of my most popular web cartoons and I’m excited about creating them in a new format for newspapers.
You can see samples on Creator’s web site.
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