Bored Columnist Responds to Wiley’s “Flames” (UPDATED)
Skip to commentsLast Friday, I pointed you to a column written by Michael Roberts who took it upon himself to read all the comics in his city’s papers for two weeks to gauge the state of today’s cartooning. That post has generated over 35 comments so far on The Daily Cartoonist and he’s has been reading them. On Tuesday he blogs to his reader that Wiley Miller has flamed him.
He writes regarding our comments:
Some expressed mild agreement with my take, but the majority essentially took me to one of Saddam Hussein’s old torture rooms — with some of the most vituperative comments coming courtesy of artist Wiley Miller, whose “Non Sequitur” strip I praised.
A few posts later, he weighs in again in response to a writer who suggests that the Westword column was “amateurish and unprofessional”:
Fighting words aside, Michael also posts some of his reader’s responses to his column.
The letters section of Westword’s September 13 issue is absolutely jam-packed with missives from readers responding to the previous week’s Message column about the weakness of far too many current comics. Still, we couldn’t fit every worthy take in the print edition — so here are three more pieces of correspondence, which touch on everything from the value of “Get Fuzzy” to an unexpected defense of “Garfield.”
Here’s a link to the Letters to the Editor pages.
UPDATE: The podcast Coast To Coast Comics has released their latest podcast and discuss the “flame war” between Wiley and Roberts. Discussion begins at about 7:40 and ends about 20:30.
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