Marital Issues Impacts For Better or For Worse Hybrid
Skip to commentsThe much anticipated “hybrid” format of Lynn Johnston’s For Better or For Worse this last week has included more original artwork than was originally planned. According to an interview Lynn by Dave Astor at E&P, reveals that at a personal level, Lynn has had to work through a separation with her husband, Rod, this spring and as a result, she’s put more time in on the hybrid than had been planned and that she’s planning to do more original Sunday comics.
But there’s a silver lining of sorts in the breakup of the marriage, which will probably officially end in divorce next April. Johnston, who’s feeling much better about the separation than she did this spring, has been devoting more time to her hybrid comic than initially planned. And she intends to continue doing so — meaning there’ll be more “new” in the new-old “FBorFW” than anyone could have expected.
The interview also includes her rebuttal of critics who are unhappy with Liz and Anthony getting back together.
UPDATE: The L.A. Times also has a story about the changes in FBoFW and Lynn’s life.
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