Comic strips

Lio is an easy sell in Asia

Mark Tatulli’s wordless comic feature Lio is an easy sell in Asia. According to a press release from Universal Press Syndicate, Lio can be found in every major English language newspaper in Asia including the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong, the Straits Time in Singapore, the New Straits Time in Malaysia and the Bangkok Post in Thailand.

“By eliminating the language barrier with his pantomime strip, Tatulli has drawn together an international community based on the many universals in the life of a young boy,” says Kristin Norell, managing director, Asia, for Atlantic Syndication, the international division of Universal Press Syndicate. “At a time when international relations are strained and complex, Tatulli has given a universal audience a charming escape into a world filled with distinctive humor and the creative innocence of youth. “

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Comments 2

  1. I gush about this strip enough as is, but what the hell…when a strip is as fun and well done as Lio, it deserves all the praise it gets!

  2. “every major English language newspaper in Asia”

    so where’s the language barrier?

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