Comic strips

Who’s in the funny pages; who’s not (UPDATED)

A couple of funny page updates.

The Crescent-News is starting to use the guest comic slot to tryout new features. First up for July and August is Brian Crane’s Pickles.

The Edmonton Sun has added Six Chix, Pajama Diaries, and Dog Eat Doug to their line-up

The Press-Telegram has added 13 comics to a new section called The lucky 13 are:
Bizarro, Diesel Sweeties, F Minus, Get Fuzzy, Girls & Sports, The Humble Stumble, Off the Mark, Pardon My Planet, Real Life Adventures, Red & Rover, Rubes, Secret Asian Man and Rudy Park. Unlucky features being dropped include: Speed Bump, Herb and Jamaal, Agnes, Beetle Bailey, Dennis the Menace, Mark Trail, the Flying McCoys, Overboard, Garfield and For Better or For Worse.

UPDATE: According to an alert reader (to borrow a phrase from Dave Barry) B.C. – which was dropped earlier this month – was re-instated.

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Comments 10

  1. Someone actually dropped Garfield? Oh happy day!

  2. The Press-Telegram posted an article saying that 4 of the comics that were dropped will be returning. Those 4 comics are: Beetle Bailey, Mark Trail, Dennis the Menace, and For Better or For Worse.

  3. But Garfield won’t be returning? Happy days indeed!

  4. How would you feel if someone rejoiced about your strip being dropped from the paper?

    Bad form.

  5. If I had a career like Jim Davis’s I’d probably just shrug it off.

    That said, however: you’re right. Public rejoicing is not polite.

  6. I don’t know why newspaper continue not to “get it” but rather than drop any, add a page or two. Win-win-win (public-cartoonist-paper). Duh!

  7. Don’t worry about Alex and Jeremy’s comments, Nickel. You guys are still in 1800 papers… more or less. By the way, where is Odie?

  8. Mark Trail and Dennis the Menace returned to today’s Press-Telegram. They are now featured in the Classifieds. For Better or For Worse and Beetle Bailey will be in the LA.Com section starting Monday.

  9. I’ve noticed this in my own local paper too — instead of expanding on the comics section, they scatter a few extra comics through the classifieds.

    Which leads me to wonder — do they view comics as “filler” which they can put any old place as they need to, or as “easter-egg” treats for those who peruse all the sections of the paper?

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