Conservatives object to Opus strip about kids having two moms
Skip to commentsLast Sunday’s Opus has riled those on the right as Berkley Breathed’s Sunday-only depicts two kids talking about David Dinkle having two moms and no dad. The last panel has one character saying, “Makes you wonder how he’ll do without a male role model in the house” while an beer drinking, cigarette smoking Steve (clad in a hat with bikini boobs) yells at a television that he threw through the window.
Jennifer Roback Morse, a conservative author/blogger on social issues has written a stinging rebuttal and concludes:
This is anti-male hate speech. If you doubt this, try reversing the images. Suppose he had drawn a cartoon featuring an innocent white male, minding his own business off-stage. Suppose he then showed an unattractive, stereotypical lesbian or gay man. The Lambda Legal Society would go ballistic.
It is time for women who love men to go ballistic. No doubt, many embittered women will complain that all men are exactly as the cartoonist depicted them. For every one of those women, there are easily five or more who appreciate the contributions the men in their lives have made to their families. I know that I donâ??t appreciate the implicit attack on my husband, my father, my brothers, and my brothers-in-law. These fine men serve their families and protect the weak.
Another writer in the American Chronicle also suggests readers write complaints to the papers that run Opus and ask that it be dropped and provides email addresses to the editors of major newspaper feature editors.
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