AAEC raises estimated $5,747 for Cartoons for the Classroom project
Skip to commentsThe 30 editorial cartoons that were auctioned off to raise money for the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists’ Cartoons for the Classroom program has garnered the AAEC an estimated $5,747 based on yesterday’s closing bidding numbers. The largest bid went for a Tom Toles original for $306.00 with 10 bidders. The most active bidding centered around Steve Breen’s original with 18 bidders that finally went for $250. Several pieces didn’t hit their reserves and were not auctioned. Those works include: Walt Handelsman, Steve Kelley, Dick Locher, Jack Ohman, and Signe Wilinson.
The AAEC needs to raise $15,000 by the end of this month to take advantage of the Challenge Fund for Journalism matching grant. As of March, the organization had raised only $4,000 according to an E&P report. AAEC president, Rob Rogers, has created an incentive that the first 30 cartoonists to donate $100 or more will be eligible for an exclusive tour of the Library of Congressâ?? cartoon collection during this summers AAEC convention in Washington D.C.
Cartoons for the Classroom project provides a bi-weekly lesson plan using editorial cartoons for instruction of history and current events.
Here are the final tallies. Included are the bid activity on Saturday evening 20 hours before the auctioned ended. Numbers that are crossed out indicate that the reserve was not met and the piece was not sold. The graph also is broken down into two groups: The top group are original artwork; the bottom section (starting at Rex Babin) are signed reprints.
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