Get a free copy of Hogan’s Alley magazine on Free Comic Book Day
Skip to commentsTom Heintjes, Publisher of Hogan’s Alley, writes in to remind Daily Cartoonists that they can get a free copy of Hogan’s Alley on Free Comic Book Day (that’s May 5 A.K.A. “this Saturday”). Simply email him on that day – and that day only – at this email address along with a mailing address.
Don’t forget to check out your nearest comic book store for other free comic shwag (and I use that word in the context of free stuff and not low quality cannibus). One of the free comics being given out is the Unseen Peanuts that includes over 100 unprinted strips not found in the Complete Peanuts collection (does that mean the Complete Peanuts isn’t really complete?).
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