Scott McCloud: comic’s future to be online; Bill Griffith: and so what?
Skip to commentsTwo stories of interest on the topic of where the future lies for comics. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch looks at the grown of web comics and interviews the usual suspects, Scott Kurtz (PVP), Scott McCloud, and Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins of Penny Arcade fame.
Scott McCloud:
“It defies reason to think this isn’t a direction comics will be headed, as all media have,” said Scott McCloud, author of “Reinventing Comics.” The book heralds the “infinite canvas” the Web provides to cartoonists. McCloud, known for his work on DC Comics’ “Superman” and his own “Zot!” comic book series, said online success required a quality cartoon and good business sense.
But over at Baltimore City Paper, they’ve interviewed Zippy the Pinhead creator Bill Griffith on his views of where things are going:
Bill Griffith:
“We just had the Tribune Co. sale [to real estate mogul Samuel Zell], which affects several of my client papers, including the Baltimore Sun,” says Griffith by phone from his Connecticut home; he visits Baltimore this week for stops at the Johns Hopkins University and Atomic Books. “It doesn’t scare me as much as it used to. I don’t believe or think that comics or newspapers will disappear from print, but they can’t survive the way that they are. Like movies after TV came along, things will shake out and find their audiences–smaller audiences, yes. But that’s how media works.”
If Griffith sounds Pollyannaish about print, he’s not. Zippy has a user-friendly, full-service web site, with merchandise available, and dozens of online clients, in addition to the strip’s 200 or so print clients. And he says he has no problem if readers, in the future, look at his strip mostly on web sites rather than in newspapers–not that he’d be happy about it.
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