Comic strips

Ray Billingsley to be guest on next “Fridays with Mr. Media”

According to E&P, Ray Billingsley, creator of Curtis will be the next guest on Bob Andelman’s “Fridays with Mr. Media” blog. The topic for the day will be “the unique pressures on African-American cartoonists” and last’s month’s death of King Editor in Chief Jay Kennedy.” You can check out the blog by going to

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Comments 3

  1. I read every word of the interview transcript and found it quite illuminating. Billingley has a refreshing voice and perspective. I think “Curtis’ will be around for a long, long time and wish Mr. Billingsley the best in every related endeavor.

  2. I have been reading “Curtis” for quite some time now, you have to realize I have been a comic book reader and comics reader since the early 50’s, from “Dondi” tothe present and I honestly enjoy “Curtis”. Keep up the great work Ray Billingsley.

    Thank You

  3. I enjoy some of Rays humor however there is too much
    negative behavior that is repeated. this to me does not
    improve the image of black teen agers.
    mr.billingsley should interject on occasion more positive
    aspects of good wholesome life. for instance he can show
    curtis studying hard to pass a test in school. or show curtis
    working hard on a science fair project for school.he can
    show curtis talking in a nice manner about the opposite sex.
    he could try to eliminate the many stories about physical
    abuse towards others to get “even” we need
    more uplifting images of our african-american people. please
    don’t portray them in the negative. thank you

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