
Garfield statue vandal pleads guilty

In one of the weirder stories I’ve been tracking these last couple of months is the one about the Garfield statue that was beheaded back in December when the statue was “hugged.” The head was found a couple of days later at the side of the road several miles away. Police were tipped off as to the statue hugger/assailant and now the latest news is that the 23 year old man has plead guilty to criminal mischief and criminal conversion – both misdemeanor charges. Each charge carries a standard year in prison. Sentencing is set for March 19th.

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Comments 4

  1. This guy’s going to be reeeaal popular in prison.
    He better not tell anyone what he’s in for.

  2. It says in the news story that his sentencing hearing is scheduled for March 19th. That’s a monday. He’s screwed.

  3. Justin – March 19. Monday will be Feb. 19. He’s got another month to stew about the punishment he might get. Personally, I think 2 years for hugging Garfield is a bit much.

  4. Well, Alan, there’s hugging and then there’s “hugging.” 🙂

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