Scott Kurtz in talks with Jimmy Johnson?
Skip to commentsAfter posting an open letter inviting FoxTrot creator Bill Amend into saving the comic strip industry, it appears that Scott Kurtz has been talking at least one other cartoonist – Jimmy Johnson, creator of Arlo and Janis.
I’ve been having a conversation lately with a young cartoonist named Scott Kurtz. Scott is young (compared to me!) but not inexperienced. His PvP probably is the most successful Web comic out there. With hustle and talent, Scott has been able to do the difficult: make a living drawing a comic exclusively on the Worldwide Web. I like Scott’s work, but I’m going to point you to his site and let you judge. His strip is set in the office of a magazine, one that caters to digital gamers I believe. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the characters then delve back in the archive a couple of years. Scott and I have been talking about the future of the business, the sort of thing I hope we will be talking about soon. I hope our talks are helping Scott; they’re doing me a world of good.
I don’t wish to engage in rumor mongering on the Daily Cartoonist and I claim no inside information on the topic of these discussions, but I, for one, am glad that Scott is still walking the fence looking for the next big thing to revitalize the industry. He took a beating in the comment section the last time he was mentioned, which was unfortunate. Whatever it is that “revitalizes” the comic strip probably won’t come from a syndicated cartoonists – there are too few that even try to innovate. So, regardless of what you might think of Scott, you ought to acknowledge that he’s doing something.
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