Comic strips

Rudy Park cartoonists write out a beloved character

Rudy Park cartoonists Theron Heir (writer) and Darrin Bell (artist) have written one of their strips’ most endearing characters, Mort Park, out of the strip to make a political statement against Donald Rumsfeld. Rumsfeld was a frequent “visitor” to the strip and had heated exchanges with Mort. In the end, Mort died of a heart attack at the age of 84. The comic creators had hinted in the last few months that there would be a death in the strip. Fans, saddened by the loss of a favorite character, can go to and offer up their condolences.

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Comments 11

  1. >>> Fans, saddened by the loss of a favorite character, can go to and offer up their condolences.

    And anyone who does so needs serious psychological counseling.

  2. 😀

    I applaud this! It takes a lot of moxie to allow a character to die. I know of Farley in FBOFW, now Mort…

    Of course, you know that Mort *had* to die. Isn’t there an unwritten law somewhere that states when a fictional secondary character gets married/falls in love, death follows? 😉

  3. Probably … just like the best friend in an action hero movie! [ ;-{)}

  4. I wonder how timeless that statment will be once Rumsfeld is no longer in office. Oh, wait….

  5. Whoops, my comment above was supposed to be preceded by, “…have written one of their stripsâ?? most endearing characters, Mort Park, out of the strip to make a political statement against Donald Rumsfeld.”

    I formatted it wrong. We need a preview button here or something.

  6. >>>I applaud this! It takes a lot of moxie to allow a character to die. I know of Farley in FBOFW,

    You mean the dead dog in a tree?

  7. Donald Rumsfeld killed a fictional comic character! Well, fictional Donald Rumsfeld did!

    And I thought those evil war mongering Republicans were bad when they took away school lunches and beat up old people in the streets and then denied them health insurance!

    Now THIS?!

    What a statement from the comic pages!

  8. Think how much better the world would be if Donald Rumsfeld had actually BEEN a fictional character. 🙁

  9. >>>You mean the dead dog in a tree?

    Exactly! Which begs the question…when is Mort Park gonna get a tree? 🙂

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