Books Comic strips

Brian Anderson signs two-book book deal

Brian Anderson, creator of Dog Eat Doug writes in to announce that he’s signed a two-book book deal with Roaring Brook Press to produce two books. The first book is entitled, “Nighty Night, Sleepy Sleep” and will based on his comic strip and will be available in the fall of 2008. The second book hasn’t been determined if it will feature Doug and Sophie, but will be a picture book.

From his website:

I’m pretty excited about the whole deal. It happened very fast, thanks to my stellar agent. The second book has yet to be determined. It may or may not be DeD related. But there certainly will be more DeD picture books in the future.

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Comments 6

  1. “a two-book book deal … to produce two books”

    So, is he getting two book books published, is that the deal here? lol Anyway, congrats to Brian. Dog Eat Doug is hilarious and it’s nice to see something like this making it into a book so quickly.

  2. I just want to say congratulations, Brian! I’ll be looking for the book when it comes out.

  3. I have visited your site 346-times

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