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‘Funky Winkerbean’ cancer story line follows creator’s own battle
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Cartoonists not surprised ‘Boondocks’ is ending

Comments 4

  1. This Book is less then Ordinary, Basil has a very large head and a very big imgagination, but we have enjoyed this story and can’t wait to read the rest of the plott to thicken. The illsitrations were very clear in their depiction of the writer, I am very pleased to say the My first grader wanted to finish the book in one setting, but this book had to be read for weekly log homework, when we got to the end , we were very sad to see it end the way it did, but we know that Baisl will be having another on of those ExtraOrdinary Adventures soon. We can’t wait to read more about his adventures. Please put us on the mailing list. Great Work! Keep the sights High and the readers wanting more.
    Sincerely, Victoria 2nd grader now. and Mom Maria Leavitt God Bless you

  2. This Book is less then Ordinary, Basil has a very large head and a very big imgagination, but we have enjoyed this story and can’t wait to read the rest of the plott to thicken. The illsitrations were very clear in their depiction of the writer, I am very pleased to say the My first grader wanted to finish the book in one setting, but this book had to be read for weekly log homework, when we got to the end , we were very sad to see it end the way it did, but we know that Baisl will be having another on of those ExtraOrdinary Adventures soon. We can’t wait to read more about his adventures. Please put us on the mailing list. Great Work! Keep the sights High and the readers wanting more.
    Sincerely, Victoria 2nd grader now. and Mom Maria Leavitt God Bless you

  3. Ã?ç®´â?? ¥ø¨ å¬¬ ¥ø¨ µøâ? Ë?´® Æ?¨çË?´®Ã? Æ?®øµ â??å®Ë?øâ?¢Ë?´©®´åâ? Â Ï?´åç´ Ë?øøâ?«Ã?

  4. Ã?ç®´â?? ¥ø¨ å¬¬ ¥ø¨ µøâ? Ë?´® Æ?¨çË?´®Ã? Æ?®øµ â??å®Ë?øâ?¢Ë?´©®´åâ? Â Ï?´åç´ Ë?øøâ?«Ã?

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