Comic strips

Cartoonists not surprised ‘Boondocks’ is ending

According to the Editor and Publisher, fellow cartoonists Willey Miller, Darrin Bell, Houston Chronicle editor Jeff Cohen, and Chicago Tribune associate managing editor Geoff Brown all weigh in on Aaron McGruder’s decision to not continue with “The Boondocks.”

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Comments 2

  1. If “The Boondocks” doesn’t return, I’m going to send Aaron McGruder a personal “Thank You!”
    I’ve never been impressed with his work. I never found it groundbreaking in any sense of the word. Nor did I find it offensive.I did find it uninspired and predictable. And as is true for any one-trick pony act, it passed tiresome a long time ago.
    What I fail to understand is the praise that’s been heaped upon his work as if he were some gifted chronicler of society’s ills.
    In one of his strips, he made a reference to the special olympics and the awarding of a ribbon just for showing up. I believe “The Boondocks” was embraced by the industry largely because it was so different from anything on the comics page. McGruder’s ribbon was in his strip’s continued syndication.

  2. If “The Boondocks” doesn’t return, I’m going to send Aaron McGruder a personal “Thank You!”
    I’ve never been impressed with his work. I never found it groundbreaking in any sense of the word. Nor did I find it offensive.I did find it uninspired and predictable. And as is true for any one-trick pony act, it passed tiresome a long time ago.
    What I fail to understand is the praise that’s been heaped upon his work as if he were some gifted chronicler of society’s ills.
    In one of his strips, he made a reference to the special olympics and the awarding of a ribbon just for showing up. I believe “The Boondocks” was embraced by the industry largely because it was so different from anything on the comics page. McGruder’s ribbon was in his strip’s continued syndication.

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