Scott Adams soliciting help for a gag via his blog (UPDATED)
Skip to commentsFor the second time in a year, Scott Adams is using his blog to solicit material for a gag he’s working on. The first time was a request for a “realistic sounding sentence that Dilbert would utter that is mind-numbingly technical and still realistic.” This round he’s asking for “the worst/funniest thing that you could be accused of doing in the office.”
The volume of comments that his post has received has got to be a gold mine. In one blog post, I’m sure he’s got material for a few score gags.
UPDATED: Scott has updated his blog regarding the punch-line results. He lists three that he liked, but mentioned that he deleted the original post because, ” frankly they made me sick.”
The winning punch-line will appear on October 14.
Technorati Tags: Dilbert, Scott Adams
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