Editorialcartoonists.com comes news that Stephan Templeton has won first place in editorial cartooning in  the 2006 Excellence in Journalism Award from the Philadelphia Society of Professional Journalists.  Templeton draws for the Intelligencer. Additionally, SW Parra has taken first place in editorial cartooning from the 2005 Better Newspapers Contents by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. " /> Editorialcartoonists.com comes news that Stephan Templeton has won first place in editorial cartooning in  the 2006 Excellence in Journalism Award from the Philadelphia Society of Professional Journalists.  Templeton draws for the Intelligencer. Additionally, SW Parra has taken first place in editorial cartooning from the 2005 Better Newspapers Contents by the California Newspaper Publishers Association. " />
Awards Editorial cartooning

Stephan Templeton and SW Parra win awards for editorial cartooning

From Editorialcartoonists.com comes news that Stephan Templeton has won first place in editorial cartooning in  the 2006 Excellence in Journalism Award from the Philadelphia Society of Professional Journalists.  Templeton draws for the Intelligencer.

Additionally, SW Parra has taken first place in editorial cartooning from the 2005 Better Newspapers Contents by the California Newspaper Publishers Association.

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