Discussion: Cartooning without the pencil
Skip to commentsI’ve enjoyed reading Marshall Ramsey’s blog everyday. He posts several times through out the day and while I don’t have the background on many his comments of Jackson MS politics, I like his friendly conversational writing and insights into the work he does for the Clarion-Ledger.
He recently wrote:
Mike Luckovich (The Atlanta cartoonist who won the Pulitzer this year) doesn’t pencil first. He draws directly with ink. And I can see why. I just wish I had the artistic confidence to do it, too. When I look at my pencil drawings, they are much more fluid and dynamic. And they lose something by the time I ink them. I will never be a great inker, but I try (I knew a guy in college that went on to work at Marvel as an inker — he traces over other artists’ pencil sketches.)
I can’t remember whether I had this conversation with Pat Bagley, of the Salt Lake Tribune, or Cal Grondahl of the Standard Examiner, but one of them admitted that they just pick up their pen and start drawing (this was before they both moved to using the computer). If he messed up, he’d pull out another piece of paper and start over.
How many cartoonists can draw the final cartoon without first penciling a draft? Is it something only editorial cartoonist are known to do?
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