Comic strips Controversies

Did Johnny Hart make another derogatory statement against Islam? (Updated)

From the Comics Reporter comes a story that Johnny Hart’s July 3rd “B.C.” strip may contain another thinly disguised knock against Islam. This two panel cartoon begins with the turtle character stepping on something in tall grass and ends with a question, “What makes a bite thats shaped like a crescent moon?” to which another character replies, “A lunatic.” The Crescent moon is a symbol of the Islamic faith.

Here is a link to the cartoon in question.

Back in November of 2003, there was buzz that Johnny had made a veiled reference to Islam in a strip (see cartoon) featuring an outhouse with a crescent moon on it. Johnny denied the allegation made by the Council on American-Islamic Relations. I remember at the time defending Johnny on ToonTalk as the crescent is a common symbol/cliché used on outhouses and that people were inserting their own views into the strip, but now with this strip, I’m thinking that perhaps Johnny is capable of these clever puns (verbal or visual).

Dave Astor has caught up with Creator Syndicate to get the official response to the buzz around Johnny’s cartoon.

From Creator Editor Kathy Kei:

Although I thought many of the comments on the message boards were thoughtful, frankly, I’m surprised the strip is creating so much speculation. The gag is a straightforward play on words, intended just as it appears: ‘lunatic’ meaning a tick that makes a bite like a crescent-shaped moon.

And from a statement from Johnny himself:

It absolutely has no reference to Islam at all. It would be contradictory to my own faith as a Christian to insult other people’s beliefs.

I mean no disrespect to the people at Creators or hard feelings toward Johnny, but I think from now on, at least in my mind, I shall begin to call “B.C.” – “B.S.”

Technorati Tags: B.C., Johnny Hart

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Comments 72

  1. I’ve had friends read things into my strips that I never intended. You can find a “hidden meaning” in anything if you want to believe it’s there.

    That said, I can’t make any sense out of the turtle strip. If it’s not a veiled slight against Islam, then I have no idea what the joke is.

  2. I’ve had friends read things into my strips that I never intended. You can find a “hidden meaning” in anything if you want to believe it’s there.

    That said, I can’t make any sense out of the turtle strip. If it’s not a veiled slight against Islam, then I have no idea what the joke is.

  3. That’s the same arguement I made when the 2003 Islam controversy hit – that people were reading into it. The turtle strip I think is much less ambiguous and when you put the two together, it makes it seem more and more likely that these references are not accidents.

  4. That’s the same arguement I made when the 2003 Islam controversy hit – that people were reading into it. The turtle strip I think is much less ambiguous and when you put the two together, it makes it seem more and more likely that these references are not accidents.

  5. It’s a well known fact that Johnny Hart is a very conservative Christian and in the past has made deliberately brazen slights against the Jewish faith. I don’t see what would stop him from exhibiting such disrespect for other religions as well. In other words, I’m fairly certain it was intentional.

  6. It’s a well known fact that Johnny Hart is a very conservative Christian and in the past has made deliberately brazen slights against the Jewish faith. I don’t see what would stop him from exhibiting such disrespect for other religions as well. In other words, I’m fairly certain it was intentional.

  7. On the topic in general, I can’t respect the idea of building plausible deniability into a joke. Using metaphor to address something that would otherwise be off topic to a strip is one thing, but intentionally building a joke in such a way that you can deny its true intent if anyone calls you on it is pretty weak.

    If you’re not willing to take the heat from a joke you know will be unpopular, then don’t write it. Trying to have it both ways is hypocritical.

  8. On the topic in general, I can’t respect the idea of building plausible deniability into a joke. Using metaphor to address something that would otherwise be off topic to a strip is one thing, but intentionally building a joke in such a way that you can deny its true intent if anyone calls you on it is pretty weak.

    If you’re not willing to take the heat from a joke you know will be unpopular, then don’t write it. Trying to have it both ways is hypocritical.

  9. Agreed 100%! In addition, I don’t respect the idea of attacking another person’s religion or faith. It’s bigotry and it has no place on the comics page. The whole point of comics are to provide relief from, not propogate, that type of hatred (and other horrible events) depicted in the news.
    By the way Norman, I dig your comic man! That’s what belongs on the comics page!

  10. Agreed 100%! In addition, I don’t respect the idea of attacking another person’s religion or faith. It’s bigotry and it has no place on the comics page. The whole point of comics are to provide relief from, not propogate, that type of hatred (and other horrible events) depicted in the news.
    By the way Norman, I dig your comic man! That’s what belongs on the comics page!

  11. Thanks, Alex! That’s a nice compliment.

  12. Thanks, Alex! That’s a nice compliment.

  13. I don’t read B.C. every day, but I actually saw this one. I just thought it was an excellent pun off the word lunatic. I guess I would rather be naive than disappointed.

  14. I don’t read B.C. every day, but I actually saw this one. I just thought it was an excellent pun off the word lunatic. I guess I would rather be naive than disappointed.

  15. You have to try awfully hard to twist that strip into an anti-islamic joke, but people seem more than willing to go to that extra effort to take offence where none is given.

  16. You have to try awfully hard to twist that strip into an anti-islamic joke, but people seem more than willing to go to that extra effort to take offence where none is given.

  17. Methinks you have to try awfully hard to twist that strip into anything BUT an anti-islamic joke.

  18. Methinks you have to try awfully hard to twist that strip into anything BUT an anti-islamic joke.

  19. First, people should make sure they understand the joke:

    A luna-tic:

    tic=small bug that bites

    So, a bug that makes a bite like a crescent moon=luna-tic.

    Still, this is probably a veiled anti-Islamic joke. Why did Hart not say “a bit like a moon?” Why did he have to say “crescent moon”?

  20. First, people should make sure they understand the joke:

    A luna-tic:

    tic=small bug that bites

    So, a bug that makes a bite like a crescent moon=luna-tic.

    Still, this is probably a veiled anti-Islamic joke. Why did Hart not say “a bit like a moon?” Why did he have to say “crescent moon”?

  21. I couldn’t see the luna-tick pun. A better way to tell the joke would have been to say, “What kind of BUG makes a bite like a crescent moon”, or even “What kind of TICK …” The punchline would have been more obvious.

    I don’t know if Hart meant these strips to have double meanings or not. But if he did, it’s not cool.

    To be fair, I never would have suspected any kind of hidden message without being directed to it.

  22. I couldn’t see the luna-tick pun. A better way to tell the joke would have been to say, “What kind of BUG makes a bite like a crescent moon”, or even “What kind of TICK …” The punchline would have been more obvious.

    I don’t know if Hart meant these strips to have double meanings or not. But if he did, it’s not cool.

    To be fair, I never would have suspected any kind of hidden message without being directed to it.

  23. I think the message is valid any way you choose to interpret it. It’s pretty fair comment that people who blow themselves up in the name of Islam are lunatics. Just as American Christian televangelists who advocate the assasinations of foreign government leaders or Presidents who have conversations with God telling him to invade soveriegn nations are lunatics. Seems to me the leading cause of violence and lunacy today come from the Religious amongst us.

  24. I think the message is valid any way you choose to interpret it. It’s pretty fair comment that people who blow themselves up in the name of Islam are lunatics. Just as American Christian televangelists who advocate the assasinations of foreign government leaders or Presidents who have conversations with God telling him to invade soveriegn nations are lunatics. Seems to me the leading cause of violence and lunacy today come from the Religious amongst us.

  25. So being religious is bad and being unreligious is good. Singing praise songs and praying this morning made me feel like smiting my fellow man. I didn’t know why until I read your post. Thanks for the insight, Rick.

  26. So being religious is bad and being unreligious is good. Singing praise songs and praying this morning made me feel like smiting my fellow man. I didn’t know why until I read your post. Thanks for the insight, Rick.

  27. I don’t think it is the religious amongst us that is the issue – it is those who use their religion as an excuse to do things that, ironically, their religion would counsel against.

  28. I don’t think it is the religious amongst us that is the issue – it is those who use their religion as an excuse to do things that, ironically, their religion would counsel against.

  29. If the religious limited their activities to singing and praying to whatever diety they choose to worship , then religion can be a good thing. It’s when they enter the political arena is when they do the most damage. Dogmas are by and large unyielding forces oblivious to debate or reason, combine that with weapons of annihilation and you have a perfect recipe for armageddon. Most of the worlds strife today and historically has it’s roots in religion.

  30. If the religious limited their activities to singing and praying to whatever diety they choose to worship , then religion can be a good thing. It’s when they enter the political arena is when they do the most damage. Dogmas are by and large unyielding forces oblivious to debate or reason, combine that with weapons of annihilation and you have a perfect recipe for armageddon. Most of the worlds strife today and historically has it’s roots in religion.

  31. Blowing things up doesn’t seem like a religious activity to me. I’ve heard of animal sacrifice and some guy dying on a cross for man’s sins and then being resurrected, but the blowing things up doesn’t ring a bell with me. I also heard of people wearing the same kind of black shoes and drinking alot of Kool-Aid to catch a comet flying in space – I don’t think these are religious activities either. Nor is stockpiling weapons and calling your part of the planet a compound. Just my opinion. You don’t have to vote for me.

  32. Blowing things up doesn’t seem like a religious activity to me. I’ve heard of animal sacrifice and some guy dying on a cross for man’s sins and then being resurrected, but the blowing things up doesn’t ring a bell with me. I also heard of people wearing the same kind of black shoes and drinking alot of Kool-Aid to catch a comet flying in space – I don’t think these are religious activities either. Nor is stockpiling weapons and calling your part of the planet a compound. Just my opinion. You don’t have to vote for me.

  33. All around the world people are blowing up people
    at least partly in the name of religion. In the
    United States maybe you haven’t heard about abortion
    clinics and homosexual bars and minority churches
    being attacked by attackers who claim Jesus as their
    Lord and Savior and find passages in the Bible to
    justify their actions. But these things don’t ring
    a bell? While most sane Religious People denounce
    those deeds, it cannot be denied that violence in
    in the name of all religions has a long history.

    As for religion and politics…here’s Kudzu:

  34. All around the world people are blowing up people
    at least partly in the name of religion. In the
    United States maybe you haven’t heard about abortion
    clinics and homosexual bars and minority churches
    being attacked by attackers who claim Jesus as their
    Lord and Savior and find passages in the Bible to
    justify their actions. But these things don’t ring
    a bell? While most sane Religious People denounce
    those deeds, it cannot be denied that violence in
    in the name of all religions has a long history.

    As for religion and politics…here’s Kudzu:

  35. People do what they want to do no matter what the motivation. All these bad things that happen seem to go against those “Thou Shalt Nots” that no one wants to see anymore. We’re all saying the same things here. I guess I just get frustrated when you throw the baby Jesus out with the blood bath water.

  36. People do what they want to do no matter what the motivation. All these bad things that happen seem to go against those “Thou Shalt Nots” that no one wants to see anymore. We’re all saying the same things here. I guess I just get frustrated when you throw the baby Jesus out with the blood bath water.

  37. B.S. it is….you can almost see them smirking through those comments. Call me a pessimist but Mr. Hart, being the good Christian boy that he is, has made several cartoons through his years as a cartoonist depicting his contempt for other’s beliefs (current comic notwithstanding). At this juncture I suppose it’s a moot point but imposing your beliefs on others, especially by berating opposing beliefs through a medium such as cartoons which caters largely toward children, is a deplorable act.

  38. B.S. it is….you can almost see them smirking through those comments. Call me a pessimist but Mr. Hart, being the good Christian boy that he is, has made several cartoons through his years as a cartoonist depicting his contempt for other’s beliefs (current comic notwithstanding). At this juncture I suppose it’s a moot point but imposing your beliefs on others, especially by berating opposing beliefs through a medium such as cartoons which caters largely toward children, is a deplorable act.

  39. Why should religious beliefs get a free pass when it comes to editorializing or critique? I say all religion is fair game since it causes most of the strife in the world. Johnny Harts implication that Islam is a violent religion is accurate. The Koran advocates the destruction and killing of non-believers. The Bible does the same. Yet religion is supposedly a taboo subject for cartoons or criticism.

    Johnny doesn’t “impose” his beliefs on others. He expresses them. Just as any other cartoonist with a religious or political outlook does. You’re free to ignore them. As to children reading BC, well i don’t think that’s accurate at all. Kids are watching South Park where Christ and every other religious icon is far more ruthlessly and hilariously mocked than anything Johnny Hart could come up with. Your righteous indignation sounds a bit over the top.

  40. Why should religious beliefs get a free pass when it comes to editorializing or critique? I say all religion is fair game since it causes most of the strife in the world. Johnny Harts implication that Islam is a violent religion is accurate. The Koran advocates the destruction and killing of non-believers. The Bible does the same. Yet religion is supposedly a taboo subject for cartoons or criticism.

    Johnny doesn’t “impose” his beliefs on others. He expresses them. Just as any other cartoonist with a religious or political outlook does. You’re free to ignore them. As to children reading BC, well i don’t think that’s accurate at all. Kids are watching South Park where Christ and every other religious icon is far more ruthlessly and hilariously mocked than anything Johnny Hart could come up with. Your righteous indignation sounds a bit over the top.

  41. Um… okay, where in the Bible does it advocate the destruction and killing of non-believers. I’m pretty sure one of the 10 commandments was “Thou shalt not kill.” I believe in the Old Testament, Jehovah commanded Israel to go to war at times, but that’s far from a general commandment to all that non-believers were to be annihilated.

    Let’s not accuse people of going over the top while doing the same.

  42. Um… okay, where in the Bible does it advocate the destruction and killing of non-believers. I’m pretty sure one of the 10 commandments was “Thou shalt not kill.” I believe in the Old Testament, Jehovah commanded Israel to go to war at times, but that’s far from a general commandment to all that non-believers were to be annihilated.

    Let’s not accuse people of going over the top while doing the same.

  43. Well, I apologize if you mistook my last statement for being righteous. It was not an attempt to be over the top and I think you took it wrong.
    However, here’s why your argument holds no water. The business of syndicated comics is supposed to be a “family friendly” medium in which readers of all ages can enjoy gentle, clean humor. Now, I’m not saying that I agree with the censorship exhibited by syndicate editors nor do I in any way believe that children are the only ones reading comics. I’m just saying that the syndicates themselves tout their form of cartoon entertainment as such. South Park, on the other hand, is expressly intended for a mature audience. It is shown late at night with a disclaimer stating that it is not for younger viewers. Furthermore they are sure to land blast all religions, ethnicities, cultures, etc. (including their own).
    I’m not saying religion should get a “free pass” or that people aren’t entitled to their opinions. I’m as big of an advocate for freedom of speech and free press as anyone. I’m just saying if you’re going to make a statement against someone’s beliefs have the balls to admit that that’s what you’re doing.
    Before you misread into that sentence, I’m not making a personal attack on Mr. Hart or anyone else. I think a lot of people get their panties in a bunch over minute things and when I attempt to express my views on the subject I don’t appreciate being accused of being self-righteous.

  44. Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

    You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

    “If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

    A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

    Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

    They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

    Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.” (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

    In addition to these few passages advocating the death of non-believers there are dozens of references where the Bible advocates the taking of life for offenses such as blasphemy, following other religions, adultery, homosexuality, working on the sabbath,
    being curious about the natural world, killing the children of sinners,

  45. Well, I apologize if you mistook my last statement for being righteous. It was not an attempt to be over the top and I think you took it wrong.
    However, here’s why your argument holds no water. The business of syndicated comics is supposed to be a “family friendly” medium in which readers of all ages can enjoy gentle, clean humor. Now, I’m not saying that I agree with the censorship exhibited by syndicate editors nor do I in any way believe that children are the only ones reading comics. I’m just saying that the syndicates themselves tout their form of cartoon entertainment as such. South Park, on the other hand, is expressly intended for a mature audience. It is shown late at night with a disclaimer stating that it is not for younger viewers. Furthermore they are sure to land blast all religions, ethnicities, cultures, etc. (including their own).
    I’m not saying religion should get a “free pass” or that people aren’t entitled to their opinions. I’m as big of an advocate for freedom of speech and free press as anyone. I’m just saying if you’re going to make a statement against someone’s beliefs have the balls to admit that that’s what you’re doing.
    Before you misread into that sentence, I’m not making a personal attack on Mr. Hart or anyone else. I think a lot of people get their panties in a bunch over minute things and when I attempt to express my views on the subject I don’t appreciate being accused of being self-righteous.

  46. Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)

    You should not let a sorceress live. (Exodus 22:17 NAB)

    “If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives.” (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)

    A man or a woman who acts as a medium or fortuneteller shall be put to death by stoning; they have no one but themselves to blame for their death. (Leviticus 20:27 NAB)

    Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

    They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)

    Suppose you hear in one of the towns the LORD your God is giving you that some worthless rabble among you have led their fellow citizens astray by encouraging them to worship foreign gods. In such cases, you must examine the facts carefully. If you find it is true and can prove that such a detestable act has occurred among you, you must attack that town and completely destroy all its inhabitants, as well as all the livestock. Then you must pile all the plunder in the middle of the street and burn it. Put the entire town to the torch as a burnt offering to the LORD your God. That town must remain a ruin forever; it may never be rebuilt. Keep none of the plunder that has been set apart for destruction. Then the LORD will turn from his fierce anger and be merciful to you. He will have compassion on you and make you a great nation, just as he solemnly promised your ancestors. “The LORD your God will be merciful only if you obey him and keep all the commands I am giving you today, doing what is pleasing to him.” (Deuteronomy 13:13-19 NLT)

    In addition to these few passages advocating the death of non-believers there are dozens of references where the Bible advocates the taking of life for offenses such as blasphemy, following other religions, adultery, homosexuality, working on the sabbath,
    being curious about the natural world, killing the children of sinners,

  47. Wait, why are we all arguing? We’re all entitled to express our beliefs, right? Whatever we decide to express here is an opinion about this cartoon. That’s it. Let’s not turn this into an online war. We either like this cartoon or we don’t. There is no right or wrong about stating a preference.

  48. Wait, why are we all arguing? We’re all entitled to express our beliefs, right? Whatever we decide to express here is an opinion about this cartoon. That’s it. Let’s not turn this into an online war. We either like this cartoon or we don’t. There is no right or wrong about stating a preference.

  49. I for one, don’t think Hart should apologize for his views … I just think he should be up front about them. I’m only opposed to the idea of “sneaking” in something objectionable, then denying it later. I think that’s cowardly.

    But, the more I think about it, the more I’m becoming convinced that he didn’t mean anything by it. Hart is now so notorious for these supposed religious slights, people are probably looking for hidden meanings in every one of his strips now.

    I think I WANT to believe he didn’t mean it. It’s funnier to believe that everyone just THINKS he’s an evil mastermind, when he’s really just tossing out the first pun he thinks of.

    If the Islam thing was intentional, I think it was a lame way to do it. But, I don’t even read BC, so I think I’ll stop caring about this non-issue. It’s getting silly.

  50. I for one, don’t think Hart should apologize for his views … I just think he should be up front about them. I’m only opposed to the idea of “sneaking” in something objectionable, then denying it later. I think that’s cowardly.

    But, the more I think about it, the more I’m becoming convinced that he didn’t mean anything by it. Hart is now so notorious for these supposed religious slights, people are probably looking for hidden meanings in every one of his strips now.

    I think I WANT to believe he didn’t mean it. It’s funnier to believe that everyone just THINKS he’s an evil mastermind, when he’s really just tossing out the first pun he thinks of.

    If the Islam thing was intentional, I think it was a lame way to do it. But, I don’t even read BC, so I think I’ll stop caring about this non-issue. It’s getting silly.

  51. …. and before I get all flamed, I don’t agree with Hart’s supposed sentiment. I just think he has a right to his opinion … if it IS his opinion … which it might not be.

    I just don’t like the way he did it … if he did … which he might not have.

    … maybe.

  52. …. and before I get all flamed, I don’t agree with Hart’s supposed sentiment. I just think he has a right to his opinion … if it IS his opinion … which it might not be.

    I just don’t like the way he did it … if he did … which he might not have.

    … maybe.

  53. Reverend Stromoski – I’ll yield my earlier comment. 🙂

  54. Reverend Stromoski – I’ll yield my earlier comment. 🙂

  55. If anything this thread has given me at least a weeks worth of material. 🙂

  56. If anything this thread has given me at least a weeks worth of material. 🙂

  57. This has by far been the most interesting comment thread I’ve read here. I look forward to seeing what you come up with Rick.

  58. This has by far been the most interesting comment thread I’ve read here. I look forward to seeing what you come up with Rick.

  59. It’ll appear mid August…I’m sure I’ll get letters and hate mail from every corner of the religious spectrum…being that I’m an equal opportunity offender. 🙂

  60. It’ll appear mid August…I’m sure I’ll get letters and hate mail from every corner of the religious spectrum…being that I’m an equal opportunity offender. 🙂

  61. Equal opportunity offending is what it’s about!

  62. Equal opportunity offending is what it’s about!

  63. Ultimately, the cartoon offends me because it’s just not funny. I’ve decided to not let this unfunny cartoon rule my life – so this is my last comment here. Check out my comic strip here:

  64. Ultimately, the cartoon offends me because it’s just not funny. I’ve decided to not let this unfunny cartoon rule my life – so this is my last comment here. Check out my comic strip here:

  65. In the end it was just a stupid pun.
    Don’t take life and cartoons so seriously.


  66. In the end it was just a stupid pun.
    Don’t take life and cartoons so seriously.


  67. Just read through the comments regarding “the Bible advocates taking life” etc.etc. Would suggest some of you take a college-level course on history of Christianity – would learn that the manual for living for Christians is the New Testament – all the citations to Duteronomy, Leviticus, etc. are Old Testament. All part of the same “tradition” but many references in New Testament show “old traditions” were done away. Notice Christians today don’t have to abstain from pork, get circumcised, etc. That was the confrontation between Peter and Paul – believers are not bound by any of the stuff in the Old Testament. Indeed, much of it was repudiated.

    Same goes for “Christians” who quote Old Testament verses to support positions on homosexuality, abortion, etc. Sorry folks, that’s old school. Doesn’t apply – for either side.

    Having said that, that’s a key difference between Christianity and Islam. For the bulk of Islam, the “old” attitudes are just as vital and binding as they were a thousand years ago. As we see in today’s news, all the infidels (nonbelievers) deserve to die. Women (who are nowhere near the status of men) children – old people in wheelchairs – if jihadists had their way the chambers at Buchenwald would look like a tea party.

  68. Just read through the comments regarding “the Bible advocates taking life” etc.etc. Would suggest some of you take a college-level course on history of Christianity – would learn that the manual for living for Christians is the New Testament – all the citations to Duteronomy, Leviticus, etc. are Old Testament. All part of the same “tradition” but many references in New Testament show “old traditions” were done away. Notice Christians today don’t have to abstain from pork, get circumcised, etc. That was the confrontation between Peter and Paul – believers are not bound by any of the stuff in the Old Testament. Indeed, much of it was repudiated.

    Same goes for “Christians” who quote Old Testament verses to support positions on homosexuality, abortion, etc. Sorry folks, that’s old school. Doesn’t apply – for either side.

    Having said that, that’s a key difference between Christianity and Islam. For the bulk of Islam, the “old” attitudes are just as vital and binding as they were a thousand years ago. As we see in today’s news, all the infidels (nonbelievers) deserve to die. Women (who are nowhere near the status of men) children – old people in wheelchairs – if jihadists had their way the chambers at Buchenwald would look like a tea party.

  69. That I am sick of Islamic fundementalist commentators and those trying to start a war between Islamics and Jews

    attacking the Christians
    University Research
    Catholics in Northern Ireland
    Protestants in Scotland
    The Welsh in Argentina or Wales
    people who claim to be Christians attacking University staff appointed
    people trying to take other people’s homes off them for religious extremists to get money

    excuses lies and damnation

    endlessly analysing the work of very good and capable people.

    Why cannot you accept the Johnny Hart was actually knocking the USA and England and the pretensions to religion and fundamentalist tower building that has rigged war throughout the decades including Temples and Jericho
    that American pretension is now all over Japan, Iran and Saudi Arabia
    some falling into the sand at Dubai

    we are trying to save people from this slavery

    not criticize and condemn and Hart was very good at that explanation of your ridiculous idea that you are a person of greater importance than any other child.

    What we know about earth is very little
    it is about time some people got off their backsides and started

    instead of sitting around slagging off one set or another on some Psycho analysis of Islam, Israel, silly salesmen, power brokers, stock markets
    If you do not start you will never finish.

    Iran has a hell of a problem controlling riot and murder, thieving and injustice, so does Russia, which is why all the gas is frozen
    what I cannot understand is how much gas you people can emanate when Hart put you in the bin years ago and the earth is still so cold for so many
    go save a few African children and stop wasting my time.
    The USSR did what did you do ?

    MD Stagg BScWales MSc

  70. That I am sick of Islamic fundementalist commentators and those trying to start a war between Islamics and Jews

    attacking the Christians
    University Research
    Catholics in Northern Ireland
    Protestants in Scotland
    The Welsh in Argentina or Wales
    people who claim to be Christians attacking University staff appointed
    people trying to take other people’s homes off them for religious extremists to get money

    excuses lies and damnation

    endlessly analysing the work of very good and capable people.

    Why cannot you accept the Johnny Hart was actually knocking the USA and England and the pretensions to religion and fundamentalist tower building that has rigged war throughout the decades including Temples and Jericho
    that American pretension is now all over Japan, Iran and Saudi Arabia
    some falling into the sand at Dubai

    we are trying to save people from this slavery

    not criticize and condemn and Hart was very good at that explanation of your ridiculous idea that you are a person of greater importance than any other child.

    What we know about earth is very little
    it is about time some people got off their backsides and started

    instead of sitting around slagging off one set or another on some Psycho analysis of Islam, Israel, silly salesmen, power brokers, stock markets
    If you do not start you will never finish.

    Iran has a hell of a problem controlling riot and murder, thieving and injustice, so does Russia, which is why all the gas is frozen
    what I cannot understand is how much gas you people can emanate when Hart put you in the bin years ago and the earth is still so cold for so many
    go save a few African children and stop wasting my time.
    The USSR did what did you do ?

    MD Stagg BScWales MSc


    That I am sick of Islamic fundementalist commentators and those trying to start a war between Islamics and Jews

    attacking the Christians
    University Research
    Catholics in Northern Ireland
    Protestants in Scotland
    The Welsh in Argentina or Wales
    people who claim to be Christians attacking University staff appointed
    people trying to take other peopleâ??s homes off them for religious extremists to get money

    excuses lies and damnation

    endlessly analysing the work of very good and capable people.

    Why cannot you accept the Johnny Hart was actually knocking the USA and England and the pretensions to religion and fundamentalist tower building that has rigged war throughout the decades including Temples and Jericho
    that American pretension is now all over Japan, Iran and Saudi Arabia
    some falling into the sand at Dubai

    we are trying to save people from this slavery

    not criticize and condemn and Hart was very good at that explanation of your ridiculous idea that you are a person of greater importance than any other child.

    What we know about earth is very little
    it is about time some people got off their backsides and started

    instead of sitting around slagging off one set or another on some Psycho analysis of Islam, Israel, silly salesmen, power brokers, stock markets
    If you do not start you will never finish.

    Iran has a hell of a problem controlling riot and murder, thieving and injustice, so does Russia, which is why all the gas is frozen
    what I cannot understand is how much gas you people can emanate when Hart put you in the bin years ago and the earth is still so cold for so many
    go save a few African children and stop wasting my time.
    The USSR did what did you do ?

    MD Stagg BScWales MSc


    That I am sick of Islamic fundementalist commentators and those trying to start a war between Islamics and Jews

    attacking the Christians
    University Research
    Catholics in Northern Ireland
    Protestants in Scotland
    The Welsh in Argentina or Wales
    people who claim to be Christians attacking University staff appointed
    people trying to take other peopleâ??s homes off them for religious extremists to get money

    excuses lies and damnation

    endlessly analysing the work of very good and capable people.

    Why cannot you accept the Johnny Hart was actually knocking the USA and England and the pretensions to religion and fundamentalist tower building that has rigged war throughout the decades including Temples and Jericho
    that American pretension is now all over Japan, Iran and Saudi Arabia
    some falling into the sand at Dubai

    we are trying to save people from this slavery

    not criticize and condemn and Hart was very good at that explanation of your ridiculous idea that you are a person of greater importance than any other child.

    What we know about earth is very little
    it is about time some people got off their backsides and started

    instead of sitting around slagging off one set or another on some Psycho analysis of Islam, Israel, silly salesmen, power brokers, stock markets
    If you do not start you will never finish.

    Iran has a hell of a problem controlling riot and murder, thieving and injustice, so does Russia, which is why all the gas is frozen
    what I cannot understand is how much gas you people can emanate when Hart put you in the bin years ago and the earth is still so cold for so many
    go save a few African children and stop wasting my time.
    The USSR did what did you do ?

    MD Stagg BScWales MSc

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