Posted on: June 20, 2006

Times-Tribune poll put Blondie as top comic strip

by Alan Gardner June 20, 2006

According to E&P, “Blondie” is the top comic feature in the Times-Tribune (Scranton, PA)…. Schulz of United Media (which began syndicating the comic in 1950), “The Family Circus” by Bil and Jeff Keane of King (1960), “Beetle Bailey” by Mort Walker of King (1950), and “Hi and Lois” by Brian Walker, Greg Walker, and Chance Browne of King (1954).”Mary Worth” finished last among the Scranton newspaper’s 36 comics.

Ann Coulter pulls a Ted Rall, reaction is different

by Alan Gardner June 20, 2006

With the release of Ann Coulter’s new book, she’s generated a lot of press and controversy over some of the things she has written – and a few are questioning the reaction from the public who’s knickers were in a complete twist when ultra-liberal Ted Rall made some of the same points earlier….  Editor and Publisher writers Dave Astor and Greg Mitchell have asked Universal Press if any newspapers have cancelled their subscriptions to Coulter to which they replied no.Is there an example of a media bias or the power of imagery over words?


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