Comic strips

Mallard Fillmore keeps his job for another day

Recently the Ventura County Star replaced “Doonesbury” (while  Garry Trudeau was on vacation) with Carl Moore’s “State of the Union” and asked if it was a suitable replacement for Bruce Tinsley’s “Mallard Fillmore“.  By a margin of 3-1, “Mallard Fillmore” will keep his spot in the newspaper.

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Comments 2

  1. So the paper added a crappy comic, but the readers preferred to keep the worst comic-strip ever…wonderful.

    I’d be happy the day “Mallard” ends…which would take a while.

    They could’ve added a better conservative comic, like “Prickly City”…..

  2. So the paper added a crappy comic, but the readers preferred to keep the worst comic-strip ever…wonderful.

    I’d be happy the day “Mallard” ends…which would take a while.

    They could’ve added a better conservative comic, like “Prickly City”…..

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