Mark Tatulli interviewed by Winston-Salem Journal
Skip to commentsMark Tatulli, who’s new feature “Lio” launched this week to over 100 newspapers was interviewed by the Winston-Salem Journal who now runs the feature. Subjects include the obligatory questions about how Mark got into cartooning; what Mark did for a living before cartooning became successful enough to support him financially; what make’s Lio different from other strips.
From the article:
When he decided he wanted to try his hand at a second strip, he wanted something significantly different from Heart of the City.
“The thing I really wanted to do was something that is new,” he said. “I’m just tired of looking at the comics page and everything is words, words, words. This is all drawing. I can go anywhere with it and do anything, within editorial standards.”
Technorati Tags: LIO, Mark Tatulli
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